
In this edition of The Corbett Report, James asks you to think about the Glass-Steagall act—to write down everything you Know to be the truth—then watch this episode as he goes through what we thought we know was reality vs. what the truths really are. And I suggest we do the same with JFK; examining “the story” both mainstream media and alternative news reporters have instilled into our minds—that JFK tried to free us from the private Federal Reserve, and so that’s why “they” killed him—which is completely false. I did not “believe” this narrative, I “understood,” based on what I’ve read up to this year—that the bankers murdered RFK via the Secret Service—which I now understand to have only been partially-true. However, “partially-true” often can add up to a huge pile of horse-shit of “totally NOT true,” at least for those who can add, honestly.

And so this is why I’m invested in writing an encyclopedia of War & Economics history; I want to write the whole truth, but now realize this next decade of unraveling untruth from bits of truths will end up adding up to the rest of my bloody life. And so be it.

And so the official record long after I’m gone will be, at the very least, a genuine article of an honest patriot; the work of a legit try-hard human, which I “understand” is the very best any of us can do. Thank you, James.—jeff lubina…

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The Truth About Glass-Steagall (2017)
SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: FROM 2017: We all know the story by now: the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999 led to the housing bubble, the subprime meltdown and the global financial crisis . . . right? What do we really know about Glass-Steagall and how do we know it? Today James peels the layers off another long-standing alt media myth and discovers a surprising and cautionary tale about how the banksters can manipulate us into doing their dirty work for them.