
Love your mind, Tessa. I’m so glad you are on humanity’s side—and to hear your growing subscriber base loves and supports you for it. I have much more to say in my Substack Notes:

My entire life I’ve been very socially-liberal. That is, I’ve always supported anything the individual wants, so long as it’s “just for you” and it doesn’t come with indentured slaves at war for the war profiteers. Criminalizing freedom and choice has always been the centralized fraud keeping the sheep enslaved and at war.

If people can believe in the fraud of slavery and war, not to mention the never-ending generational costs of war to our world and humanity, we can believe in freedom, choice, self-determination with honest labels via the cheaper utility infrastructure that would allow for it—and so forever prevent the fraud of war—which is all I write about. So not to go on and on repeating myself like a bloody fractured vinal record, I’ll get right to the “evolving” solutions:

Either we wake up and stop making excuses for believing in the nonsense of overpopulation and scarcity—therefor always being trapped into believing the lie that humanity is the problem—or we remain slaves to humanity’s end, which at this rate will occur within the next ten years.

Anything can be for profit, with proper regulatory processes, honest labels and choice, but “everything” must Not be for profit.” Correct? Slaves at War has always been a fraudulent, profiteering business for a few money-junky slavers, and it’s insane humanity has yet to evolve to prevent slavery and war at this point, especially with today’s technology, but instead have become more trapped than ever.

We sheeple have been made frightened of science and the technological-solutions that would allow each individual to save themselves. The monsters evolving science in secret, such as DNA altering of all life, have trapped the slaves to be at war with everything and everybody, from viruses to space aliens. So we MUST start asking ourselves:

Why aren’t the most powerful lawyers of our world helping humanity end it, rather than trapping us for profit? Because they’re money-junky madd, and so are their most loyal slaves.

At the very center of all of these generational slaving and war processes—all for profit—are the monsters of language-manipulation; lawyers with very bad brains.

So what’s the solution? Humanity must realize the abundance stolen from them, stop the reckless killing and begin institutionalizing most lawyers of government and media who’ve been manipulating humanity into becoming synthetic-bots always at war.

For a very long time science & technology has been developing in secret by these monsters, then used against people so there’s nobody left to conscientiously-object to slavery and war, and now it’s on steroids. Why? Because technology, like the internet, smart phones & tablets allow people to communicate Real Solutions just as fast as the monsters are using it to enslave us. So “they” now must end humanity on a DNA level, or we will rise up and take back our lives and planet to realize the abundance that will always prevent starvation, poverty, disease and war for profit for the few monsters.

So what do we do first? Resist. Stop complying. Stop allowing the brainwashed sheep of your community (the synthetic slave-bots, real and unreal) manipulate you with fear to death. I love philosophy, science and technology. But we must use it to end the divisions and begin arresting the bad lawyers of media and government trapping us to the lies of overpopulation, scarcity, disease and war—then institutionalize the most guilty money-junkies at the very top, like Bill Gates, Swab, Rothschild & Rockefeller—who are just four out of the top 1/10th of one percent who must be arrested and liquidated.

I could go on and on listing the ultra-rich billionaire & trillionare war & disease profiteers, but it’s their goddamn bought lawyers of media and government who must be arrested first, then we arrest the slavers at the very top of this sick pyramid.

If we don’t wake up to this reality and organize to end it NOW, humanity will be absorbed by the synthetic world of lawyers and bots, and there will be no turning back.✌🏽❤️🗽—sincerely, sheeple.

Manufacturing People and Large Language Models for Biology: Mommy, No!
Coming up next: a dictatorship of the engineers?