
I adore you Tessa, and I get your point and perspectives. But I “understand” the world’s problems not so much as a “coming and going,” but a Generational “transforming and transferring” of stolen property, wealth, science, political powers & courts and the souls of slaves (us the sheeple) by monsters (professional slaver-thieves controlling all media, trade & money) and their bought house-slavers (various professionals, mostly scientists & lawyers) repeating itself over several thousand years, not just a few centuries…which could be ended at any moment we, the mezzed peoples (sheeple), would snap out of it, stop fighting & killing each-other , stop insisting we should all think, live and believe the same, and then, do the right thing: imprison the wealthiest mobster’s and their bought lawyers. It won’t be easy, but much more simple and cheaper than any war of history—and everyone on earth knows this is the absolute truth, or they should know it by now.

So why don’t we the sheep just snap out of it and finally “Do The Right Thing,” like Spike Lee used to say, but without the rioting and raising shops & cities to flames? Do we really believe all of “their” controls over politicians, media, gaming and trade is just too “matter-of-fact” that we can’t simply wake up and end this nightmare, and without bloodshed? Are all of “their” creations, particularly the fraud of scarcity and their lies about overpopulation, climate change (dah)…so set in our minds as false-facts that it’s just too overwhelming to over come? Of course if “they” create scarcity—there will be scarcity. Of course if “they” modify viruses and nature, dump ChemTrails into our atmosphere in conjunction with DARPA & HAARP systems—there will be radical weather events and mezzed sheep getting vaxxed, going to war and mass death. These lies are what allows them to manufacture all of our conflicts, get us to manufacture weapons of war to then use against each-other, and we the brainwashed sheep just keep going along with it as is we have no common sense or choice. And once they get us terrified enough, again, to begin taking lives, it deepens the entrapment creating generational, evolving slaves and the science & technology they steal with it to sustain this ongoing madness. But is this trap really too impossible to overcome? Really, sheep?

Honestly, most brainwashed, lost people infuriate me, because I understand the problems and the solutions too well; the bought lawyers, politicians and scientists who’ve sold their souls for scraps of stolen gold & jew-els to perpetuate all of our problems and misconceptions; using the peoples to slave each-other, indefinitely. The majority sheeple all around me are caught up in a make believe survival game of lies, accepting the world as it is, like a sick movie made real—a combination of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1984, Matrix and Severance—which “they” created to soften the sheep’s minds to accept a false reality, which I cannot, I will not.

I’ve been yelling, screaming, flailing, jumping up and down on my desk, in the hallways, on my balcony, in the street, on the internet…trying to wake the brainwashed sheep up for what seems like an eternity now. But the majority goddamn slaves are so bloody thick, and as always, I refuse to give up, even after everyone’s been compulsory-vaxxed.

The problems of our world have nothing to do with natural drugs, even horrible, shit alcohol or any plant of nature. All the problems begin with media, dishonest labels and manmade disease, especially manufactured fear. The problems are the horrible pharmaceuticals the monsters “insist” the people must take—after intentionally making all the people so sick and terrified that they accept being “ordered” to get the shots—like we’re all in straight jackets incapable of critical thinking and choice.

The problem is NOT freedom and choice. The problems are more about believing “their” lies and being distracted. The tragedy of humanity is not the bullshit about overpopulation or the nonsense of manmade scarcity, disease and war, but being trapped to the fraud that “everything must be for profit,” including what Mother Nature gave humanity for free; an abundance of electrical energy, communication (education) rights, money, clean water and diversified seed—which the mobsters stole from the entire world centuries ago and have “grandfathered” this theft into law, illegally, set it in stone and convinced humanity that all of the world’s abundance belongs to just a few money junkies to peace-meal it back to the poor as profit, all for just a few greedy monsters.

I could go on and on, which I do on my own substack, but I’m trying to poach readers of great writers who get it, not steal, but borrow for moments like this in which I’m hoping they’ll come to their senses and share the solutions. Help me, dammit. Help me—help you—help me—help others to understand the truths; that the solutions are within our grasp and cheaper than fear and war, before it’s too late.

People Cry, Mobsters Thrive, Rinse and Repeat
I don't like any of it