Jessica | Content Ops 

(Mostly) about Content and Marketing | Helping customers buy when they are ready to purchase | Building my learning diary |

When writing content, I ask myself:

  • about points of view (which one interests my audience?)

  • about ease of reading (do you need maximum concentration to read it?)

  • about the result (what does the person who reads me take away?)

  • about the conversation (is it interesting to share?)

[Daily practice]

Potential clients aren't interested in your past, they just want to SEE what you can do for them.

[Today’s Reminder]

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[Any customer research involves talking to people, observing and listening to them, collecting all the insights and then analyzing them.]

My favorite customer research tactic (in B2B) is:

1) Find my potential customer on Google

2) Pull up the largest listing that time allows (minimum 100 companies)

3) Call one by one following a script of questions.

Of course, I always offer something in exchange for their kindness.

It takes time, but for me it's always worth it.
