Keith Stockton 

Former grad student and current disciple.
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The decision to treat CO2 as a pollutant, Massachusetts v. EPA, is the single worst decision in Supreme Court history. This has enabled the government to take blanket actions that are not based in science, and have been detrimental business and citizen rights. Hopefully the Chevron decision is a step towards getting this corrected.

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Dr. Pielke ==> You have written recently on Climatism. Climatism is the overriding agenda of many in the current roster of un-elected federal bureaucrats in U.S. executive agencies that make up what many know as the "administrative state" -- and which some feel has gained far too much power -- power to effectively write, judge, and enforce their own laws.

When the standard allowed for the agencies to make and enforce "laws" (regulations) is as low as merely "reasonable", they can almost literall…

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What I wonder is how many of the people writing papers based on now–impossible (or at least highly improbable) scenarios know that they are doing so.

Either they do know and they are lying to the public in order to chase grant money and tenure or they don't know and they are unfit to write papers about the subject.

Either way, Roger's research here shows us that there are many "climate researchers" who are not only unfit to be that but based on mendacity or incompetence are unfit to be publishing…

U.S. National Security Strategy and Climate Change