Sherry Gerbi 

I am 76, white & female with 5 granddaughters ranging from infancy to 27. I want my girls to live in a more peaceful, supportive society.

In a wonderful virtual town hall held by Commit to Democracy Heather Cox Richardson said something that is now firmly stuck in my brain cells. She said that in our American stories our heroes always win in the end. So as we do our work if we look around and see that our heroes aren’t winning it’s because we’re not at the end yet. Thanks HCR, I needed that.

How Other Nations Oust Their Autocrats
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Two years ago I didn’t care if I lived or died. I was so exhausted trying to hold onto my farm alone. My writing career, dead. My anxiety and depression hit a pitch I couldn’t even hear anymore, just relented to.

A little over a year ago I started on antidepressants. A reader suggested I join substack when things were really bad but I did…