David Spinks 

Coach and writer helping people to stop chasing success and to discover enoughness within. Learn more about our coaching at downshift.me.

I’m saying “fuck it” and changing the name of my newsletter.

I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. The name kept popping up in my head. But I kept avoiding changing it because:

  1. I worried it wouldn’t capture all of the things I want to write

  2. I told myself a story that I’d need to get the branding perfect and do a grand roll out

  3. I wasn’t sure if it was perfect

But I’m tired of waiting. It may not be perfect. It may not capture everything. But taking action feels better than stewing in uncertain…

Transitions are sacred.

But most of us rush through them.

We quit the job.

Leave the role.

Sell the company.

And immediately ask: “What’s next?”

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AI can listen to your sad story.

But AI can never cry with you.