George Soros is apparently funding the current college protests against Israel:
Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t, who knows. The bigger point about these protests is that the media is deliberately highlighting them, which means it wants to push the Jew/Muslim tensions higher; alternatively, the media does not want to cover the completely open southern border where 20 million illegals have streamed in over the past four years. Maybe more.
The media simply decide the framing of what is reality for most people. Today it is Jew/Muslim tensions; yesterday it was George Floyd, BLM, and antifa. Switch turns on, switch turns off, the masses dance to the tune.
Let me end this rant with a Eustace Mullins quote about the central bank owners: “the central bank owners adopted the Hegelian dialectic, the dialectic of materialism, which regards the World as Power, and the World as Reality. It denies all other powers and all other realities. It functions on the principle of thesis, antithesis and a synthesis…Thus the World Order organizes and finances Jewish groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Jewish groups; it organizes Communist groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Communist groups. It is not necessary for the Order to throw these groups against each other; they seek each other out like heat-seeking missiles and try to destroy each other. By controlling the size and resources of each group, the World Order can always predetermine the outcome. In this technique, members of the World Order are often identified with one side or the other. John Foster Dulles arranged financing for Hitler, but he was never a Nazi. David Rockefeller may be cheered in Moscow, but he is not a Communist…a distinguishing trait of a member of the World Order, although it may not be admitted, is that he does not believe in anything but the World Order. Another distinguishing trait is his absolute contempt for anyone who actually believes in the tenets of Communism, Zionism, Christianity, or any national, religious or fraternal group…If you are a sincere Christian, Zionist or Moslem, the World Order regards you as a moron unworthy of respect. You can and will be used, but you will never be respected.”