For whatever it’s worth, a guy who I’m familiar with who is extremely shrewd with money made the following prediction:

“The market will be lower 12 months from now. Valuations are crazy high. The run up in the last few months has been nothing short of insane. There will be a 20% pull back in the next 12 months. I'm 100% sure. I have about [a lot of money] in cash on the sidelines right now that I'm cost averaging into VTSAX and VTIAX. But I'll buy a large chunk when the DOW gets into the low/mid 30s.”

I’ve Google calendared this prediction to look back on on December 6, 2025, but I agree with this (not with 100% certainty). As I’ve argued, Trump was allowed to win to be set up for failure.

Dec 6
9:39 PM