Justin Ross 

I'm a regular guy, musician, reader, and writer. I think reason and progress have their place, but life is ultimately about what you irrationally find beautiful.

Yes, virtue can be taught.

The reason we know this is because virtue diminishes when it's not taught.

The thing we need more than anything else today is simple, good men. Men who work hard, think clearly, and provide selflessly. Men who accept the grudging unfairness of life with dignity and still manage to spend their whole lives looking out for other people. We need role models.

Greek Philosophers were obsessed with the problem of how to properly educate young men.

Any healthy society needs to develop effective solutions to this problem, or else it will cause many other problems.

The hard question: Can virtue be taught?


You can write a book! 10,000 likes

Here’s how to write a book! 1,000 likes

Here’s the book I wrote! 10 likes

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If you give away your self-respect, everything else will be taken from you.