Just a guy with zero power, trying to make sense of what surrounds him
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I mean, if we’re looking for fraud and abuse, then…

Now we’re talkin

There are few, if any, people who are as effective as John Cleese at diminishing the biggest, most destructive, most absurd egos that infect the planet.

I see Musk wants to buy Chat GDP

It reminds me of a scene from ‘The Meaning of Life’ where Graham Chapman, the CEO of The Very Big Corporation of America, says to his fellow directors “Do you realise how much there is out there that we don’t own yet"

I suspect that Musk feels that, if he can own everything, noone will dare to be as rude to him as his father was

What a tidy and accurate statement of where we are three weeks into this hellhole.

Elon Musk has ZERO receipts for his claims of “fraud” in government agencies.

But there seem to be a LOT of receipts showing that those same government agencies were investigating or regulating Musk and his companies.


"In my life, I have watched John Kennedy talk on television about missiles in Cuba. I saw Lyndon Johnson look Richard Russell squarely in the eye and and say, "And we shall overcome." I saw Richard Nixon resign and Gerald Ford tell the Congress that our long national nightmare was over. I saw Jimmy Carter talk about malaise and Ronald Reagan talk about a shining city on a hill. I saw George H.W. Bush deliver the eulogy for the Soviet bloc, and Bill Clinton comfort the survivors of Timothy McVei…

Not that any of this applies to anything occurring now, here…

We should worry more about the billionaires than the far-right voter base.

It was big business that financed the Nazi's long before Hitler was even slightly electable. The German industrialists who founded BMW, Mercedes, Allianz, Thysson-Krupp, and Volkswagen funded Hitler’s paramilitary forces, his campaigns, travel, and living costs lon…

It’s almost as if no one with a national audience is incapable of asking, “Why is Elon Musk doing this?”

I would be grateful if Elon Musk could answer this point

This is very long, but worth every minute. Brilliant analysis, beautifully written.

Trump Gave 300 Babies HIV

Love this woman so much!

Much appreciated:

Things nobody tells sensitive powerhouses:

⚡️Your “overthinking” is actually pattern recognition

⚡️Your “overwhelm” is sophisticated data processing

⚡️Your “too much” is actually high-definition awareness

It would have been an overwhelming task had someone chosen to record every hypocritical act conducted by the current leadership.

The same people who said Hillary Clinton couldn’t be trusted with national security because she had a secure private server are totally fine with a teenager named Big Balls who was fired for leaking sensitive data having access to every plausible government database without a security clearance.


Stop saying "Constitutional Crisis." Nobody knows what that means. Say, "BLATANTLY ILLEGAL ACTION" and "CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION." Use words that trigger unambiguous moral judgment!

"Constitutional Crisis" also doesn't assign responsibility. It didn't just "happen." Not a natural disaster. Somebody (Trump, Elon) DID IT with their actions. Say “MUSK’S ACTIONS ARE BLATANTLY ILLEGAL” and “TRUMP’s ORDERS ARE IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION.”