Mr. Airily Reeks 

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Demotivations With Anne
by Anne Kennedy
Disaffected Newsletter
by Josh Slocum
Freddie deBoer
by Freddie deBoer
The Free Press
by Bari Weiss
Further Up
by Bethel McGrew
The Honest Broker
by Ted Gioia
Pilgrims in the Machine
by Peco
The Prism
by Gurwinder
Racket News
by Matt Taibbi
School of the Unconformed
by Ruth Gaskovski
by Andrew Chen
The A La Carte Scholar
by Daniel J. Fischer
The Abbey of Misrule
by Paul Kingsnorth
After Babel
by Jon Haidt
by Matthew B. Crawford
Autonomous Truck(er)s
by Autonomous Truck(er)s
Be ScreenStrong
by Melanie Hempe
Becoming Noble
by Johann Kurtz
Can we read?
by Sarah Miller
The Candid Clodhopper
by The Candid Clodhopper
Classical Christian Times
by David Goodwin
Close Reads HQ
by Goldberry Studios
by Tyler Huckabee
The Common Reader
by Henry Oliver
The Commonplace
by Tsh Oxenreider
The Cormac Jones Journal
by Cormac Jones
Cracks in Postmodernity
by Stephen G. Adubato
Digital with Discernment
by Kaitlyn DeYoung
Discipleship & Dominion
by Bnonn Tennant
Ebla to E-Books: The Preservation and Annihilation of Memory
by Kathleen McCook
The Endeavor
by Daniel Joseph Petty
English Teacher Weekly
by Andrew Campbell
Evangelical Think Pieces
by matthew pierce
Garden City Arts
by J.M. Robinson
Generation Tech
by Jean M. Twenge
by Freya India
The Hollow
by Dixie Dillon Lane
by Misha Saul
Letters of Note
by Shaun Usher
Life Considered
by Haley Baumeister
The Manly Saints Project
by Hugh Hunter
Mary Harrington
by Mary Harrington
Mary’s Substack
by Mary Purpura
by Joel J Miller
Missives from the Edge
by Meg Mittelstedt
The Narnian
by J.M. Robinson
Other Feminisms
by Leah Libresco Sargeant
Over the Field
by Hadden Turner
Patristic Protestantism
by Brian Villanueva
Postcards From Barsoom
by John Carter
The Priory
by Karen Swallow Prior
Read More Books
by Jeremy Anderberg
Reading Revisited
by Kelsie Hartley
Renewing Classical Education
by Christopher Perrin
Saving Culture (from itself)
by Jenny Holland
Seeking The Narrow
by Derek Petty
Shalom Auslander's Fetal Position
by Shalom Auslander
Slouching Towards Bethlehem
by Graham Cunningham
Study the Great Books
by Jacob Allee
by Michael Lindsey
True Magic
by Bnonn Tennant
by Walter Kirn
The Upheaval
by N.S. Lyons
Word & Song by Anthony Esolen
by Anthony Esolen
Wrong Side of History
by Ed West