Man became free when he said 'no' to requests to fill in bios on the internet.

In researching my next book I’ve talked to a lot of family members of people whose autism is so severe they can’t communicate or manage their own bathroom functions or dress themselves. And it’s really discouraging to hear so many of them make the same lament: that the disability activist community frightens people like them out of criticizing the disability activist agenda. These are people who have sacrificed tremendously for loved ones whose lives are debilitated by autism, but they are acti…




Remember: most Black Friday deals are a scam. Amazon and other sellers engage in “price anchoring”, momentarily inflating the prices of products before Black Friday so they can then reduce them to RRP and advertise it as a “big saving”. Always google a product before buying.


Who speaks of the Armenians? Today’s post

Who speaks of the Armenians?

Agree with pretty much all of this. I find it increasingly hard to get back into my left wing mindset and understand how I used to think. I’m not even sure I was sincere, although Robert Conquest’s first law is “Everyone is conservative about what he knows best.” And perhaps ignorance is my best excuse.

I was very left wing back in the day. Now I’m not. 

Key things that forced me to question and reject much of the liberal groupthink that still surrounds us include: 

  • the refusal of the left and mainstream liberals to acknowledge any issue with radical Islam, the demonisation of anyone who did, and the gaslighting on the topic more broadly.

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Very interesting comparison of 1950s McCarthy era UC Berkeley loyalty oath with the recent UC Berkeley Diversity and Inclusion Vow.

Loyalty Oaths Compared: An Orwellian Exercise

Judith Butler and Andrea Long Chu make Andrew Sullivan angry. I rather like him when he’s angry.

“They differ so much in degree they differ in kind.” (I think that’s a very good sentence; and in the context, it’s devastating.)

The Transqueers Take The Mask Off

Quick point on Twitter (I may come up with other comments in due course): I think it's also worth mentioning how many retweets and likes (which aren't always approbation, I think some users still use them as bookmarks). Someone like Jolyon M can have lots of followers and very few retweets. That particular one has fewer than 100k views (…

"Look What You Made Them Do!"
I seem to have left the Twitter