Joshua Stevens 

Joshua Stevens reads voraciously about Western philosophy and literature and applies what he learns to his own life in a practical sense. He seeks to empower the lives of other people from the knowledge and experience that he has acquired.
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3 Life Lessons to Learn from the Ancient Greeks

Building, creating and art allows us to say “Yes” to life. No building, creating and living destructive lives is us saying “Nay” to life.

People chase pleasure like it's the key to happiness. It isn't. The more you indulge, the emptier you feel. True fulfillment doesn't come from consuming—it comes from creating, building, pushing yourself beyond your limits. Chase meaning and an interesting life, not pleasure.

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I've been vacillating left and right as to whether or not I wanted to keep publishing every week or back to every two weeks. I listened to the experts and hacks

For the moment, I realized something:

I need to do more things and make decisions for myself.

Publishing every 2 weeks allow me to:

  1. Discover better content.

  2. Improve my editing