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No worries. I suppose the nub of my issue is that the inquiry that's being demanded is, to paraphase Nigel Farage, "why did Pakistani men rape white girls?" And my answer is: because they wanted to, and they found a way to get away with it.

My position is that child abuse rings happen among all ethnicities, but their *expression* is culturally dependent. You need a few evil men, a self-justification and a reason they get away with it.

In the case of the Pelicot trial, the self-justification by th…

Why controlling for variables is insufficient
Joe Biden should drop out
Your Book Review: The Weirdest People in the World
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Judging dog owners by the breeds they own is entirely appropriate.

You barely mentioned the problem of bully culture. An obnoxious man does all sorts of things to project danger and intimidation. He takes the mufflers off his vehicles and says "fuck you" to thousands of people every time he drives across town. He gets scary tattoos on his face. He glares at people who say, "Hello."

And he walks an apparently vicious dog with the intention of creating terror.

The UK has every right to ban Pit Bulls…

Education Commentary is Dominated by Optimism Bias
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Episode 138: Jon Stewart And John Oliver Are Wrong About The Evidence For Puberty Blockers And Hormones
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It is in there (I talk about political party affiliation and also bias with reference to the research on stereotype threat). But if I'd written the book post-2020 and the huge flare-up of the culture war, I'd have included more on this issue, for sure.