I haven't read Sanderson, but I am aware he was tapped to complete the Wheel of Time series. I did catch this interview with him by Tim Ferris and I have mixed feelings.
What struck me is how machine like he has made his production of 'content'. Including having an in house 'wiki guy' to basically make a wiki of his world building to trac…
In my Youtube stumbling, I happened upon Justine Sledge, who runs a channel called Esoterica. I wasn't sure what to make of him and my first instincts are to hard reject because I usually assume anything centered on magic, offbeat 'hidden' religions (like gnosticism) etc. is just pure woo. But I was surprised to find he is a rather mater…
Is there any evidence that blackmail is a thing? I don't mean are there individual examples you could point to in history and even some prosecutions for it. I mean the systematic collection of 'dirt' in order to have power is a bit of a Hollywood trope. In terms of real life I think there are fewer example. Hoover's FBI had lots of files…