
As a twenty year military veteran I was required to study the law of armed conflict or LOAC. It prohibits military action when the expectation of civilian casualties is too high. Gaza is 141 sq miles with a population of over 2 million people.for a population density of 16,000 people per square mile . Half of the population is under the age of 18. So the population density of children is 8,000 per square mile. You cannot put that amount of ordinance on such a densely populated area without KNOWING BEYOND ANY DOUBT that you will kill thousands of civilians. Any military member worth a damn knows that is an unacceptable amount of civilian casualties. On top of that, 70% of the civilian casualties have been women and children. By comparison, Israel has killed more civilians in 8 months than Russia has in over two years of war against Ukraine and everyone wants Putin’s head on a plate but makes excuses for Israel. This is not a case of incidental civilian killed in war.

Under international law an occupation force is supposed to do everything possible to protect civilians under the occupation. Prior to the October 7 attack by Hamas the Israelis killed 6,000 civilians. That is a war crime according to international law. During that time they subjected the people of Gaza to periodic shortages of food, water, medicine and fuel. That is also a war crime. The communal punishment of a people for actions that they did not commit which is what is going on in Gaza right now is also a war crime.

The ethnic cleansing of gaze has long been planned by It is a very deliberate attempt to drive the Palestinians out of Gaza and ethnic cleansing and it is another war crime.

That was the plan all along according to a document leaked from the Israeli defense ministry.

Totaling ten pages, the main plans of the document detail the following stages:

1. Instruct Palestinian civilians to vacate north Gaza ahead of ground offensive.

2. Sequential land operations from north to south Gaza.

3. Routes across Rafah to be left clear.

4. Establish tent cities in northern Sinai and construct cities to resettle Palestinians in Egypt.

the ethnic cleansing of Gaza is going exactly according plan.
