Kevin Green 

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A 300 percent increase in long-term disability claims at the airlines isn't responsible for any of the the mass cancellation of flights.

Please do not spread misinformation against the regime. Biden's Obama handlers expect this much from you.

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I always believed the Great Barrington Declaration would be vindicated. Just never thought it would happen so quickly.

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And had Trump ditched Fauci and Birx while replacing with these docs and listening to Scott Atlas he’d still be President.

Drs. Gupta, Bhattacharya, and Kuldorf were terribly slandered by the attempts to discredit them. They gave us a road map to extricate ourselves from this pandemic. If our bureaucrats had followed their educated, experienced advice, the population would be protected and the damage minimized. And that would have allowed time to pursue development of real treatments, and real vaccines.

"As many people as possible need to be infected with the virus as the vaccines are not enough"
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Yes as he understands this but he didn't which should make one question motivation.

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thanks!! no one is perfect, I'll cut Alex a little slack, cuz he's got a lot on his plate, but this is why it takes a TEAM effort to really see the bigger picture, I'm just glad we can openly discuss still on this platform without censorship.... yet....

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Haha it’s so lame

Pandemic of the unvaccinated
GE, 3M, and Verizon have also stopped forcing vaccinations…