Sam Squire 

I'm a writer, clinical counsellor, meditation guide, and dog lover. I help people reconnect with themselves and spirituality. //
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Love can’t always protect us, but it’s the place we return to in order to heal.

Nothing can protect us from all the unbearable things we will endure in life, which is why we must continue to turn towards love.

Love can’t protect our hearts from breaking, but it can be the medicine that helps us heal.


“Letting go” isn’t something you can force.

The body doesn’t respond to pressure—it responds to safety.

Letting go isn’t about prying open your grip or pushing something away. It’s about creating enough stability, enough warmth, enough space for what’s stuck to want to shift.

When the body feels safe, expansion happens naturally. Tension softens. Trauma unravels. Ease finds its way in.

Instead of: How do I let this go?

Ask yourself: What would help me feel safe enough for this to shift on its own?

Just because something doesn’t feel “good” or “easy” it doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong. You’re probably doing it RIGHT. Keep going. ❤️

We can only learn so much about courage and faith from listening, reading, talking, and discussing. It’s in the leap itself we begin to understand what courage and faith truly are.

Faith isn’t about knowing something will happen. Faith is about being at peace with an unknown outcome.


Yoga isn’t about touching your toes. It’s about touching your truth.

What truths have you been avoiding in your body?

Winter: Hibernation or Creation?
New Podcast Episode & Reflective Journal Prompts