Spiritual Entertainer 

Writer, Philosophical Entertainer and Mindfulness Practitioner. Interested in Self Realization, Expansion of Human Consciousness, Zen Buddhism, Oriental Philosophy, Theology, ancient esoteric and occult knowledge, and nature.

Have you ever really thought deeply about the fact that we humans must consistently breathe air, drink water, eat food, and absorb sunlight? In other words, everything that is outside of us must also be inside of us. Without this continuous flow in and out and in again, we die.

Why do you suppose that is?

I think it’s because a human being and the environment in which that human lives are actually ONE ENTITY, one finely-tuned smoothly-operating unit whose individual parts only appear to be separate.

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Just discovered this publication and can't get enough of it!

We are not paying attention to our breath to become ‘good meditators’, we are paying attention to our breath so that the very notion of being a 'meditator' falls away.

It's how you return to your original silence, your natural nothingness.

Meditation is not about becoming something but opening up that effortless space in which there's nothing to do, nothing to become.