
What’s sad is that you think you’re making a sound argument for supporting Trump. I hope you didn’t go to college. If you did, I hope you didn’t pay anything for it.

Let me help you out so you can at least make a more coherent point in the next note you comment on.

No politician of any national consequence in either major party is calling for open borders. Every Republican presidential candidate called for stricter border control measures. So the choice was not “Trump or open border.”

No presidential candidate on either side, including Trump, is going to be able to close off all border crossings outside ports of entry. There were illegal crossings under Trump before. There will be again if he is re-elected. So the choice is not “Trump or illegal crossings.”

There are many valid reasons for maintaining a well regulated border and an orderly immigration system and certainly an effort should be made to weed out known criminals as much as possible. But your reliance on fear of being raped by an illegal immigrant, given the low crime rates and the type of people making up most of the surge from Central America and Venezuela, is a pathetic piece of demagoguing shit.

Nothing in your pitiful attempt at an argument justifies the support of that malignant festering open sore of a human being for president.

Finally, remind me where that verse is in the Bible that says “Shut out the stranger from thy midst, so that the wife of thy youth may not be among the few to be robbed of her honor by the stranger.” I’m having trouble finding it.

Now go fuck off.
