Neo Kim 

I Teach You System Design • Writes System Design Newsletter
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How Do Websockets Work ✨

Give me 2 minutes, and I'll teach you how databases keep passwords securely (not joking):

• The server transforms the password using a hash function to create the fingerprint.

• The database stores only the fingerprint, and not the password.

• The hash function is one-way, so the password cannot be obtained from a fingerprint.

• The fingerprint is regenerated whenever the user enters a password.

• The regenerated fingerprint is compared against the stored value to provide access.

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Give me 2 minutes, and I'll teach you how Disney+ Hotstar scaled to 25 million concurrent users (not joking):

• They ran tests to find bottlenecks

• They used a multi-level cache to scale reads

• They rate limited the traffic to prevent server overload