Christine Maciel 

I’m a reader

Most people who voted for trump did so to spite everything that smacks of being Liberal…not that it makes any sense! Does anyone think seriously about protecting Senior Citizens, improving schools, protecting workers….no, they’re voting for a brainless thug who promises to disrupt everything…it looks more exciting, like a television crime drama!

Besides the American Civil war, we are encountering the most crucial time in American history. Today November 4th, could possibly be the last day of democracy as we have come to know it. Not only are we in jeopardy of handing over the government to an unhinged vengeful Authoritarian, our lawmakers as well as the highest court in the lan…

I’m having a terrible problem with my account to Letter from an American. I am being charged an Annual fee of $50. without my authorization. Then I was charged an additional fee of $50. for 2025. I have attempted to contact Stripe but have received NO Response! I am very upset!

Does anyone have any advice? Thank you.