As I went from recordings to live cable MSNBC was on the Anchor person was talking about all the Federal Education Laws, and how president you know who is trying to eliminate the Department of Education.
Trying to make it harder to learn and to prevent the populace from being EDUCATED.
This proves what we hear is true KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
That is why the Elitist don’t what the Main Populous to have education just like the slave owners in the south made it against the law for Blacks to know how to…
I haven’t watch much of tRump he such a liar. But I just tuned back in. He was recognized a young black child and all he wants to be a peace officer. A made this young man a secret service agent. He talked about medically curing cancer. The only problem with him being benevolent except when ask for money by his nephew ask for the estate to help take care of his child severely handicapped. His reply was you should let him die.