Daniel Appleton 

Free spirit, open - minded cynic, agnostic, student of Zen Buddhism, Daoism / Taoism, Sufi, nerd / geek. I support people desiring freedom everywhere. Am very likely bisexual. I AM NOT ON META / FB / X or any social media crap.

I have heard humpbacks, but only recordings of their song. & yes, this was after seeing George & Gracie in Star Trek IV ! 🐳🐋

Out there in the deep

A number of ancient gods were creator deities. Take Khnum, a personal favorite from Egyptian myth / theology that created the world from a primordial mound. <--- That was a digression, that I can be quite adept at.....

Who was God speaking to when He said " Let US make man in OUR own image " ? The Spirit ? the as - yet unborn Son ?

AND - f…

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Cryonics has a certain ALLURE, but there are a heap of variables, not the least of which is the cell damage done by freezing a" patient ". Then, unless the " patient " had a really vast inventory of skills, they'd be like an old - fashioned carnival sideshow curiosity. & if the future was overcrowded, they'd be ANOTHER mouth to feed. I'v…

I'm Having One of Those Moments. What About You?