Happy to confirm the hype - these are the best socks my feet have ever met

Why is it so weird trying to make friends as an adult?!

Old faces, new friends

Is there anything more annoying than the train getting to your stop when you are so close to finishing a book? The last 20 pages of this are going to have to wait until this evening.

I went to my library on my lunch break today to collect some ordered books, have a chat to the librarian, pick up some phonics resources for my daughter and find a map for a walk around my local area to do this weekend

A love letter to libraries

Tonight is 'Tuesday Touchpoint' in our house.

Me and my husband have a recurring hourly appointment in our calendars each Tuesday evening that we use to plan the week ahead.

We sort out who is going to be home each night, who is travelling, who is taking the kids where, what we need to pay a pound for at school that week, what hotels/restaurants/soft play we need to book in for upcoming plans, and so on.

It is the best thing we have done for our relationship and family life - no one feels they ha…

A quick list of everything I forgot for my children's party this weekend:

- Scissors to complete the crafts we had organised

- Pump for the balloon decorations

- More sandwiches for (un)invited siblings

- More sandwiches for kids whose parents never RSVP'd

- Paper cups

Why, as a society, have we not managed to improve on this completely shambolic packaging?

The longest I have gone without alcohol since pregnancy three years ago. One month down and this is what I've learnt.

Dry January, High Spirits

How have I not tried these before? Outrageously good (and now to stop myself finishing the whole packet)

My daughter told me she loved me more than her whole bed last night - definitely the best age!

The sweet spot of parenting