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So in the end, we are talking about an elite generation which, right at the apex of the energy abondance period, managed to secure its economic domination while shirking the social rules and collective responsibilities that are supposed to justify their position.

Isn't this the very definition of decadence?

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I am a member of the generation of 1968. For a long time I closely held a belief that the hardships of WWI and WWII, the Great Depression, and the influenza pandemic that my parents lived through as children and my grandparents as younger adults led them to indulge us, the 1968 generation cohort. Couple that indulgence with 'the pill' and we were rocking off to the races, never to look back.

It's the looking back part that we so sorely miss. Those two preceding generations endured tough times an…

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"Mr. Trump was played masterfully in the initial 2020 Covid roll-out by the likes of Dr. Fauci, Deborah Birx, and the faithless Veep Mike Pence who directed the Coronavirus Task Force (and whoever was behind it). The president could not bring himself to oppose or cast doubt on their diktats and to this day he must remain embarrassed about how that all worked out. But he also probably learned to not be fooled again."

Now there's a pardon!

Trump doesn't seem the kind of guy who would fall for Fauci…