A Black Cab Driver Made Me Cry That Day
It’s been almost a year since this happened, but I still think about it.
My sweet little boy, 5 at the time, had been in the hospital—Great Ormond Street Hospital—for two weeks. And for days, he had one simple request:
“Mama, can we go to the shop and get chocolate?”
Finally, after what felt like forever, his doctors gave us the go-ahead. We could step outside. Just for a little while.
Hand in mine, still with his cannula in place and his NG tube taped to his …
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I’m a psychonaut — “Psychonautics (from the en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki… ψυχήpsychē 'soul, spirit, mind' and ναύτης naútēs'sailor, navigator')en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki…refers both to a methodology for describing and explaining the subjective effects of en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki…, including those induced by en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki… or en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki…