
Lioness (of Judah) is behind the Substack ultimately being referenced (Exposing the Darkness). While I more or less concur with you, it’s the why of it that’s currently vexing me. You’re extremely knowledgeable so I was hoping you’d shed some light on the issue for me, alas …

On a different albeit related note, Lioness of Judah is a strong candidate for my favorite Substacker; she(?)’s more of an editor, collecting and collating valuable and interesting reads, than an authoress herself. Her output is reliably steady and copious so I’m quite the fan.

P.S. I was writing a response to a note of yours on education by one (iirc) “Lili Rose” until I had been unexpectedly cast out of the notes section, my message being lost to the ether in the process. Tried as I did, I had been unable to find it again for the life of me. I’d like to capitalize on this opportunity by resending my missive. Fortunately, it’s simple and recent enough for me to currently recall:

Have you ever heard of the book Dumbing us Down by John Taylor Gatto? It’s a classic that’s available online for free. He’s also had an acceptance speech upon winning the Teacher of the Year Award for New York City in 1990; it’s an excellent way to get a flavor of his book. Lastly, there’s Everything Voluntary, an anthology edited by Skyler J. Collins, and vis-a-vis it’s fifth and final chapter yet another free, online gem of pedagogical liberation. It’s not as revered as Gatto’s works, but, personally speaking, I would argue undeservedly so …

Anyway, as mentioned, respectively …




The relevance of works like these in an era like this where one not only has to deal with the threat of stymied creativity and independent-mindedness but of surreptitiously enacted gender changes on one’s own children as well is impressively difficult to overstate.

“I never let my education get in the way of my learning.”

- Mark Twain
