
50% Drop In Cashew Production in the State of Goa, this year.

If you ask any Tourist, specially the local Indians, after the scenic beaches; Cashew would be the one which would come to their recall.

There is not a single tourist, who does not take back Cashews, home, while departing from their holidays here. The best memories for friends and families.

This Year production of Cashew has falled to 50% of previous year ie 2023.

Mostly due to adverse climatic conditions. The kind of change in weather pattern which Goa has observed in last few years, is too drastic. When even May month used to be pretty cool, the Heat wave like conditions start from February itself.

The Forests and Orchards have been converted into development land, by the TCP Department of Government Goa and it's many Lakh of Square Metres in just past one odd years.

The lust and greed for a Villa, Hotel or a Resort project, is now coming to haunt the aboriginals, everyday.

While the Cashew Production of Goa is dropping, which has the **GI Tag** , most of the Tourists coming to state, buy the imported Cashew from the thousands of retailers dotting the state.

There is no way, an ordinary Tourist can tell, whether the Cashew being purchased by him is from Goa or an imported one from Africa and other places.

Even if the small packs say, being packaged in Goa, it does not mean, that they were produced in Goa. There is no way to tell the authenticity of Goan Cashew , inspite of the GI Tag provided.

There has been an age old adage; **“You can't have the cake and eat it too!”**

In Goa, it has become : **“You can't have the development, and eat the Cashews too!**
