Maddie Dobrowski 

Catholic wife, author, and educator. Life-long student of literature and philosophy. If I am not in the garden, I am probably at the library researching Thomistic metaphysics.

New article!

Eternal Longings of the Human Soul

It never ceases to amaze me how many people on Substack just want to talk about great books and universal themes in literature.

I feel like I found my place and my people. 📖 🤍

Coming soon: The theme of eternal longing in George MacDonald’s At the Back of the North Wind


Your TBR is not a to-do list. It’s a menu. Pick whatever feeds your soul.

Why does there seem to be very little overlap between people who like literature and people who are trying to be writers today? I am shocked by the number of young people I’ve met who have written full novels and have never read Dostoyevsky, Hemingway, Shakespeare, etc. Am I wrong? How do we fix this?

Working on my fairytale story for 20 minutes, then switching over to reading about the metaphysical nature of the transcendentals. It’s all about balance…

Now here’s a post you don’t see every day. And you know what? I’d have to agree! I just did not connect with Persuasion the way everyone told me I would/should. And I think this post hits on why. We never see the beginning of the relationship, so we don’t feel the tension as much!

Have I Been “Persuasion”-ed to Like Austen’s Books?

It’s here! Enjoy and let me know your thoughts in the comments. 🥰

2025 Classics Reading List