Cosmo T Kat 

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Ancient Rome Collapsed,

Fighting Foreign Wars on Credit .

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Or, perhaps, both.

In any event, I believe there is an extensive school of thought that the Netanyahu government's 'Greater Israel' policy, including its adoption of war crimes, genocide, and ethnic cleansing as policy, will, sooner or later, destroy Israel.

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I agree. In particular, I would like to think Trump will have just one shot at overriding Netanyahu and the Israel Lobby and it will come when (and if and after) he has lined up peace in Ukraine and he (and Putin) have lined up a deal with Turkey, Iran, the GCC, 'Syria', 'Palestine', and the Houthis, Hezbollah, and Hamas. Then he'll take his best shot with Israel.

I would like to think that if Trump succeeds he will in fact be saving Israel from itself.