Julia Gamolina 

I'm the creator and editor of Madame Architect, an online destination that celebrates the women and entrepreneurs that shape our world. My writing has appeared in Fast Company, A Women's Thing, Metropolis Magazine, and the Architect's Newspaper.
Latest post
An Essay on Architecture School

I don’t want to buy anything. Stop telling me to buy things. Stop writing ‘newsletters’ that are just receipts, stop writing guides to nights in or winding down that are just lists of things I should buy - overpriced candles and snail skincare and slippers. Stop posting photos of days out just to tag every brand, every designer, every shop. I am losing my mind. It’s everywhere. That’s not writing, it’s not art, it is consumerism! It’s being forced to follow you around on your shopping trip! Drop me out!

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Me after I publish 1 substack.