
In today’s article, I will expand upon the issues written about in my last article. I will focus on the current situation we are having with Iran.

Over the past few days, we have had several deaths and injuries to service members. Our President vows retaliation. The question is when. Let’s look at this issue deeper.

Our officials would like nothing better than to strike Iran. We have been looking for payback since the 1979 hostage crisis. Over the years strikes have been made against Iranian proxies across the Middle East.  We never attacked Iran itself, but I fear this is now a foregone conclusion. I recently heard of our representatives calling for the bombing of Iran. Let’s look at what this would mean to the United States and the West.

Iran has been a sponsor of terrorism for 40 years. Although we have been successful fighting them off, the game has changed. We had all the nukes. Now Iran has at least one. Simply bombing them back to the Stone Age, I believe would have far-reaching effects outside the region. Careful thought needs to be made before doing anything. Yet I believe it is a foregone conclusion we will be fighting Iran shortly.

Iran hates anything Western. This is primarily due to the differences in culture and religion. Throughout history, religion has been the cause of more wars than any other reason. The West looks at life much differently than the East. We believe life is sacred while the East believes life is to be given up for God.

What would be the far-reaching effects of using a nuclear weapon in Iran as many leaders have called for?  Iran would cease to exist. But then again, many of its neighbors would be affected too. Depending on the wind, countries surrounding Iran will also suffer. Some of these nations, Saudi Arabia, Cutter, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq would get some fallout. Eventually, that fallout will reach here at home.

Using conventional weapons would mean the need for boots on the ground. Weapons would be needed as well as the supplies to use them. Food is needed for the troops as well as support staff. The last I read, for every man in the field, there are 10 behind the lines in support roles.

According to the news, recruitment is down. I believe this will cause a draft. Government spending would balloon using money we do not have since we borrow every dime we spend. At this time, the debt service alone is higher than the military budget. Where would this money come from? We have no war chest. We, you and I will pay higher taxes. This debt would not be paid off in our children’s, grandchildren’s, or great-grandchildren’s lifetime. Poor economic policy, primarily by the left has left us bankrupt. I am old enough when 50% or more were paid by taxpayers. We are edging up that way again.

We are also weak. Only the marines met its recruitment quota. So, a draft needs to start today. We do not have the military hardware since most of it was given to the Ukraine to waste. It will be two years or more before we can produce enough weapons to fight this war. Initially, we would overrun the Iranians. But after its Arab neighbors jump on board, we and any allies we have would be fighting the Middle East.

We don’t have enough fuel. Since Biden has shut down the oil industry another 2 years are needed to bring back production. I don’t think the American people are going to willingly ration gas. This could start a revolt here at home.

So, do we continue to print worthless money or do we borrow more money we can’t pay back? Maybe we can sell war bonds as we did in the 1940s. With today’s economy, I doubt there will be many takers.

Israel also plays a role. They were attacked by an Iranian-backed group. They would like for us to strike Iran. Over the years, the Israeli military has been held back by us to do nothing. Because of bad foreign policy, we continue to pay Iran not to build nuclear weapons. They have at least one and probably more. The Russians and Chinese are trading partners with Iran. Don’t you think they will come to Iran’s aid? This expands a regional conflict into WWIII. In the game of nuclear diplomacy, no one wins.

This all has to be carefully thought out before doing anything. There are too many other countries with ties to Iran that could potentially end life on our planet in the flash of light. Will this deter our government from striking? I doubt it. Our leaders do not have the experience nor the intelligence to think deeply enough to see the larger picture. This is what worries me.

The world no longer respects us. Our President can’t say a sentence without causing us to laugh. He can’t walk in a straight line, never mind upstairs. We are projected as weak. Besides all of this, our complicit news media has said we don’t have the needed supplies or the oil to power the equipment. The real use of electric power vehicles is not possible. We don’t have the infrastructure. Will every tank have a portable generator on board to keep the tank moving? We have telegraphed our intention to strike Iran throughout the world. I wonder what would have happened during WWII if the press told the Japanese the water on Midway was fine and we were trying to lure the Japanese into a trap?

So, we continue to shoot ourselves in the foot. We are bleeding out because of several leaders looking out for themselves. AMERICA FIRST is not only a catchy slogan but also what should always be policy.

What is the potential upside? We could wipe out Iran. Yet, I doubt that would happen as China and Russia will not sit on the sidelines letting us do this.  The Arab world will come after us both there and here at home. So far, I have heard millions of illegal border crossings have occurred. Most of these are military-aged men from ALL countries. These include Russia, China, and Iran. Presently our policy is to let them in. I believe they are waiting on orders to strike us from within. Are you ready to fight for your homeland?

Our enemies will use all of our division and strife against us. We will have the first war since the Civil War fought on our soil. How many of you are ready to fight?

Let’s say a conventional war takes place against Iran. Again, we risk the involvement of other superpowers as well as the entire Arab world. Our oil supplies would be cut off. Our way of life would ground to a halt as Mr.Biden sold off our reserves to China and lowered the price at the pump. This was another stupid leftist decision.

We have about a one million-man army counting the reserves and national guard. The Chinese have 2 million ready troops at any time. They have no recruitment problems. The way to eat and get ahead in China is to serve in the army. The Russians worked the same way up until recently. I have no idea how many Arab troops are ready to fight. For argument's sake, let’s say there are 5 million troops against us. The British and the Americans could not raise that many troops. Certainly, the Israelis can’t even with mandatory conscription. Can we say disaster in the making?

Do we have an exit plan?  Eisenhower smartly told President Kennedy to not send troops to Vietnam. Why? We had no exit plan. We left Iraq because we had no exit plan. We left billions of dollars of front-line equipment for our enemies to use. This includes the Iranians.

I hate to think this, but the fate of the world rests in the hands of a dementia-laden man who can’t speak a sentence or walk up a flight of stairs. The Iranians are a fully funded and trained fighting force. We have funded them!  They use proxies to fight for them. Their troops are at home in case they are needed. We allow our men and women to die for our causes. Many of these are misguided.

We have used Ukraine as a pawn. We send money, most of which goes to our defense contractors, to have supplies sent to Ukraine. Although with our help, they have fought honorably, the Russian army could crush what is left of Ukraine in one attack. I believe they are fighting with one arm tied behind their back.

We cannot protect the world. We need to stop playing the world’s police force. We need to get our house in order. The world is watching what we do.

Do I believe a strike on Iran is a foregone conclusion? Yes. It’s been a long time coming. This should have occurred in 1980 or 81 with Ronald Reagan. We need to stop supplying money to Iran and other nations who dislike us and are behind the use of terrorism. But we need to have a clear goal in mind with many contingencies. Battlegrounds are fluid. We need to be able to quickly adjust to the rising and falling tides.

We need to think about the Israelis as well. They have been a true Allie. Are we ready to sacrifice the “holy” land for possible peace? As a Christian Minister, I am worried about any great effect on the region. Read the Book of Revelation for more details.

In conclusion, I see only a short-term solution to this long-term problem. Just as history has shown, this is a very dangerous part of the world. I do not believe we will have much effect on the region. This war could end the American Empire and the country as we once knew it.

Your thoughts?
