I'm against criminal governments.

More than 40% of Hispanics regularly visit their ethnic homelands.

Only 14% of Hispanics in the US identify as American.

Mass immigration is a detriment. Integration is a fable. The American nation is being buried in a ceaseless wave of demographic change.

Learn more about the only true solution: Repatriation, here on our Substack.

The new Mad Max movie flopped:

I attribute this to the girl power advertising/marketing where a 5’2” 100 lb woman casually tosses around 6’5” 300 lb men. I didn’t watch the trailer, all I saw was the Girl Power poster. People are sick of that nonsense, finally, I think.

I think it might also have to do with the girl being seemingly of hispanic descent. That stuff being sold to American audiences who have no say in who can be in their country is hopefully going to keep failing.

As with all this stuff, it’s so hard to present it without sounding like, “This person can’t be of hispanic descent,” but at this point, it feels like the story of the second World war and them showing a movie in a concentration camp of some Nazi action hero. It’s just, there seems to be something insulting being pushed.

The new Mad Max movie flopped:

I attribute this to the girl power advertising/marketing where a 5’2” 100 lb woman casually tosses around 6’5” 300 lb men. I didn’t watch the trailer, all I saw was the Girl Power poster. People are sick of that nonsense, finally, I think.

How is Lyme disease diagnosed?

Red flags go up and alarm bells sound.

The official line is: Lyme disease is caused by bacteria carried by ticks that bite humans.

I could argue against that claim; but in this article I’m focusing on how the diagnosis is made.

There’s a new method, approved by US councils of epidemiologists. The only thing that counts is the lab test. The patient’s clinical symptoms—or whether he has any—irrelevant.

This is clearly insane.

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Let's assume that whites can retreat to their little enclaves and do white things. I assume Jews in their little enclaves will continue to do Jew things like promote open borders and miscegenation. Insulated from the worst of multiculturalism, whites will then cheerfully grill until the rising tide of color drowns them politically, culturally, and racially. Basically, this proposal is just a way to slow the white genocide boil so the frogs don't get jumpy. The only solution is the ethnostate.

Our Giant Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) plants are beginning to wake up and leaf out.

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In Germany, the publication of the Robert Koch-Institut Files are exposing the German authorities’ lies about the “pandemic,” so the government and media are denouncing the outlet that obtained and published the files as RUSSIAN AGENTS, COVID DENIERS, RIGHT-WING CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, and so on. Meanwhile, I’m being prosecuted for compari…

I collected some seeds from one of the last few pre-colonial Tulip (liriodendron tulipifera) Trees in our area and I am excited to be helping these seeds set down roots and re-populate the Carolinian Forest here for future generations.

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