
MS diagnosis in 2011., 2nd-degree black belt 2 years earlier. Wicked Mono (EBV)at age 14. Not that this defines me. I am on Mastodon or the Fediverse and found Substack there. I am here for information. I do not use Twitter because it sucks.
Q&A 78: ocrelizumab or anti-CD20 therapies and measles

Hi everyone, I have a request for you all.

Please follow my page as much as possible. I get my information directly from my CDC sources some were sadly fired last week, but others remain inside, risking everything to keep me informed about Bird Flu.

I report on Bird Flu, COVID-19, Tuberculosis, Measles, and other infectious diseases.

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A reminder: Vladimir Putin could end the war in Ukraine right now, just by ordering his soldiers to go home. No need for treaties or negotiations.