Alta Ifland 

Born and raised in Communist Romania, Alta Ifland came to the US as a political refugee in 1991. She has a PhD in French (thesis on Blanchot) & has studied with Lacoue-Labarthe & Nancy @ U of Strasbourg. She now lives in France.
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I’m a lifelong Democrat, which translates to 50 years of voting Democrat. I don’t care who “grabs” onto the trans issue and “exploits” it. If the Republicans have the common sense to vote against men in women’s sports, give voice to detransitioners who are in desperate need of medical care to repair damage done to their bodies but insurance won’t pay for it, and veto one of Biden’s nominees for a lifetime judicial appointment who thought it was fine to allow a serial rapist to be transferred t…


It seems the Democratic Party is still promoting the ludicrous notion that men who claim to be women somehow magically become women. This garbage is being funded by well-funded non-profits, especially the ACLU, pushed by clinicians with a financial interest linked to WPATH and its satellite orgs, and supported by hundreds of thousands of women and men who think they must be “kinder” to “women trapped in a man’s body” (a fantasy) than to actual women with all the constraints that apply to actual…


As a gay male/advocate for same sex rights for over 35 years I stand firmly with the LGB Alliance on this ! For far too long trans washing of Gay History has been happening! Now the tide has turned! Truth✨…


💡 Ideals that most people don't realize they should be thanking individualism for:

• Each person owns themselves & their labor

• Individual autonomy in decision-making

• Equal rights under the law

• Private property rights

• Academic freedom

• Artistic freedom


Writing is not about and never has been about being safe or fair or ideological or part of a community. Writers have always been the weirdo freaks who tell the goddamn truth, especially when it pisses people off, ideally on all sides.


Absolutely mental scenes in London (not getting much press attention at all). An Ex-Muslim burning a Quran gets attacked by a knife wielding Muslim man. As if that isn’t bad enough, a totally random passerby on a bike see what’s happening, and joins in the attack! Think about the implications - about just how widespread this religious lu…


Not quite sure why the left is so up in arms about Trump renaming certain locations when they’ve spent the better part of a decade trying to redefine what a woman is 🤔


Despite outselling many other titles on their list, my book “Troubled” was not included on the New York Times bestseller list. This bizarre omission led The Economist to investigate the NYT list, and they discovered evidence of bias. The Economist later listed Troubled as one of the best books of 2024. After doing some digging, I learned…


Been browsing X and Bluesky just to test the temperature. X is increasingly race war vids, Elon tweets, and the usual trolls. But there is some debate - even if it’s pretty low-quality. BlueSky has no debate, no diversity of views, just endless left-resistance posturing. Total bubble.


Interesting inverse relationship:

On the one hand, progressives now oppose even very moderate drinking - as little as a glass of wine with dinner should be avoided because alcohol is so extremely bad for your health.

On the other hand, progressives have completely abandoned their former skepticism towards the pharmaceutical industry, along with the rest of the RFKJ MAHA agenda (attacks on Big Ag, Big Food, Big Healthcare).

Meanwhile, cannabis seems to be tacitly accepted as fine, but is not pol…


Transgender kids are children whose parents were born in the wrong mind.


If Eddie Izzard is a woman, then Rachel Dolezal is black.

Can’t have it both ways, folks. If you can “transition” from one sex to another, then you can “transition” from one race to another.

(Cue the outrage)