Live on, Molly Pitcher
I read you in a
novel, one week,
then aloud from
textbook, the next.
Happenstance, really:
my young children
learning the stories
of men fighting a war,
if not revolutionary,
then at least real.
And me, learning the job
of one unknown woman
is the work of many.
Woman on the
battlefield carrying
water like life
in her hands and
holding it up
to the mouth
of men.
Woman at the
fort wall, leaving
the wash to sit
in pools as cool
as the blood
in lying bodies
firing cannon, loading
shot and courage
which was yours
too, though
believed the gift
Larger than life,
I see you often.
Just yesterday,
at the red light
on the back plate
of a woman,
who like you,
was brave enough
to forge valley,
serve country,
and live on.