It is often written that way in short. Nothing to do with highlighting Quantum Quantum Quantum. Clearly you are out to prove a point without understanding. You'll find no Quantum, Quantum, scaler, spiritual, pseudo science here. Just terms used in this field of science. I'm finding this interesting as if an agenda is on the go. I'll leave you to keep restacking articles you wish to assume mean things they do not. Other people politely debate in comments rather than trying to republish others articles as if they are incorrect, specially when they have not done the reading of all articles and read others articles who fill the dots in on this horror. I am not claiming to know everything, i am mainly adding to the work of others I qoute in my articles in order to solidify the combined claims. So far it is all correlating, my more visual analysis, others chemical and spectral analysis etc. This pleases me since if it was wrong it would not correlate. You are trying to disprove things that have far more behind them than your understanding of how polarised light microscopy has anything to do with charges. With statements like that i would likely not be restacking others work as if i know better. Not to be rude, I and many others are now very ill or dying, we don't find it funny when someone else thinks we are not taking it seriously.

Nov 30, 2023
4:17 AM