
Attention-Info-Biotech Economy: Backup people! Backup your backups! And always remember: cloud storage is not a backup! And have a backup device as well (connects backup USB drive to main computer; goes and digs in box for antiquated laptop and plugs it in for its battery to charge):

Roger Shrimsley: My struggle to live without an iPhone — for two whole hours <…>: ‘Then came the horror. No email, no phone, contact numbers, no text, no X. I had also lost our mapping app. We were visiting our daughter at her new university digs and had no idea how to get there, or where she lived because the address was in my now irretrievable texts. I did not know her phone number, because who knows phone numbers these days?… I was off-grid for no more than two hours. And yet, in that period, I could not focus on anything else.  So, aside from the obvious point about the iniquity of Range Rovers and the fickleness of wives, this rammed home the lesson that I really have a dependency bordering on addiction…. We’ve all seen those thrillers where the hero has to drop off the grid to survive. In that instance, reader, I am doomed…
