
War: There is something very, very wrong with Michael Ignatieff. Binyamin Netanyahu is not a person with limited options being “driven” “toward annexation and expropriation” by spoiler “settlers”. The the entire point of his government is to grab land. If, in the process, that gins up enough Arab rage to make the Israeli electorate reluctant to support more peace-oriented politicians—well, that is all to the good, from his perspective. The only thing he did not want was for so many Israeli civilians to die on October 7:

Michael Ignatieff: Universal Values at Bay <…>: ‘Peace can still be achieved through the mutual recognition of pain and loss, but not until the spoilers on both sides—the settlers rampaging the West Bank and driving Binyamin Netanyahu’s government toward annexation and expropriation, and the jihadist militants who want nothing but to destroy Israel—are beaten…
