
Public Reason: as Ken White says, The SubStack Nazi problem is not that they do not police (save for porn, & c.), who they let use their service to construct their own Walled Garden or misinformation-broadcast newsletter. The problem is that they see money to be made in boosting neofascists. And that is, most important, defecating in the information stream. That is, second most important, a downstream problem for me when the Nazi Bar elements begin leaking over to my readership through SubStack’s recommendation engines. So it is time to think about how—if things deteriorate—to set myself up to leave the platform for another:

Russell Nohelty: ‘I know a lot of people are considering leaving Substack because of the current troubles…. Beehiiv and Ghost and all sorts of other solutions… are very expensive…. Were I to leave… WordPress from a host like Bluehost, Siteground, Godaddy, etc…. Elementor and Themify… the Newsletter plugin… or Sendy ( to send emails…. Rmail set up for your domain… for about $5/mo from Google. For your paywall… Memberful… <…

I know a lot of people are considering leaving Substack because of the current troubles.

They are looking at Beehiiv and Ghost and all sorts of other solutions that are very expensive. Most people don’t make much from their Substack, so those options are not feasible.

Were I to …
