
Neofascism & Journamalism: A journamalistic world in which it would be “biased” to spend resources discovering whether something bad is true about any Republican unless some other Republican has already claimed it is true:

Michael Tomasky: Donald Trump Is Losing It. Will the Media Make It a Story?: ‘The media’s obsessions with the mental acuity of our presidential candidates seems dangerously one-sided…. [Trump] confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. And not once. Twice. Maybe four times, if you want to be technical about it. You’d think that this would be pretty big news. And it was, but mostly only because Haley herself ran with the comments and made an issue of them, questioning Trump’s mental fitness for office…. [But] far more outlets waited until Haley starting making hay of it…. Nikki and Nancy… wasn’t just confusing names. Confusing names is understandable…. But Trump confused Pelosi and Haley as people…. The New York Times did one story <… on this, last October. But one story doesn’t qualify as “coverage”… <…>
