
GPT-LLM-AML: Yes, ChatGPT and company can do some things remarkably well. But only some things. And the questions then become: How much work do you need to put into the prompt so that it lands in a corner of ;its model of the internet that has people writing things that do what you want it to do? Wouldn’t it be easier to do it yourself? How much enthusiasm is a “Clever Hans” effect? And for how many humans is this true—that it would be more efficient to pay them to do nothing, and then get someone else to do the work?:

Mathew Taylor: The Ultimate Guide to Prompt Engineering: ‘Prompting AI tools is a new form of management science…. Five pillars…. 1. Give direction: Describe the desired style in detail or reference a relevant persona. 2. Specify format: Define what rules to follow and establish the structure of the response. 3. Provide examples: Supply a diverse set of test cases where the task was done correctly. 4. Evaluate quality: Identify errors and rate responses, testing what drives performance. 5. Divide labor: Split tasks into multiple steps, chained together for complex goals… <…>
