Peter Bornstein 

Semiretired MD/MBA Infectious Disease consultant. Part time assistant beekeeper. All views personal and do not reflect views of SPIDA, M Health Fairview, or any pathogens.
Anywhere is Everywhere

If I had to choose who gets to stay in the country, a guy who picks avocados or a guy who rioted at the Capitol, I’m gonna go with the avocado guy

No bad weather, just bad clothes.
Before never. And before you need it.
Continuum, binary, or continuum? Yes.
Still here--just like COVID-19

It often felt like I was working three jobs per day: taking care of patients; taking care of my institution; taking care of my family

Fascinating interview. Dr Fauci is at turns combative and humble. I also think he, and his role at NIH, were broadly misunderstood by the general public. He is a physician-scientist, but not a public health officer.

There were many missteps responding to this pandemic, some avoidable, some not. We can do better.

Two sources of medical misinformation to avoid:

--The Florida Department of Health

--The Wall Street Journal Op/Ed pages.