Margo Helman 

Breaking silence about relationship conflict! Practicing peace while standing my ground. Mindfulness in fights and arguments in the family or couple. From a clinical social worker, therapist, meditator, and flawed human.
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Heated conflict? They just can't hear you

Relationships are crucial for developing clarity and wisdom.

The difficult parts of your relationships are where you can really go to town on getting clear on what you think, believe and want.

What does your anger want from you?

When you're furious at that person you love or that person you live with, that important person in your life, what is your anger wanting, asking, requiring of you?

Maybe it's this.

“Take me in your arms. Rock me, rock me a little while.”

A musical note.

We figured out together why we'd get so upset when we'd fight.

Thanks Paul Simon.

Why my husband and I would get so enraged while fighting

You can't hide yourself and also have a great relationship.


A quiet moment is all I need to reconnect with me.

I am always available for me in that moment.

Trust in your power ✨

My family left me always second-guessing myself. Because, bless them, there was no space for authentic self expression. It was anger and conflict that saved my life. I had to get better at owning my opinions and speaking my mind.

Thanks Dom ❤️

This is a helpful breakdown of why heated arguments feel like talking to a brick wall! I love how you explain the brain’s role in all this. It’s so reassuring to know that it’s not about stubbornness, but biology. I’ve definitely been guilty of trying to “explain better” mid-argument (ha!).

Thanks for sharing a clear and practical perspective, Margo!

Years ago I trained myself to "tell it like it is" (Thanks Aaron Neville!)

For me, holding back was about avoiding his irritation and trying to minimize conflict.

Because, conflict averse 🙋🏻‍♀️

Of course, that backfired. Because the more I'd hold myself back, the more resentment I'd build up and then I'd eventually be losing it.

Polarized politics are a crisis and an opportunity.

Can we rise above Us and Them thinking and recognize each other's humanity?

This is how we create peace in the world my friends.

Thanks George, for trailblazing.

We need dialogue. We need to be able to hear each other, to recognize the humanity in the other. To return to that truth over and over. Speaking our truth gently and deeply listening to each other.

Listening to others requires internal work which refines our values and strengthens ability to live by them.

Clearly, this is what the world de…