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Good esssay. You covered (almost) all the bases. You missed the part about *why* monogamy is a patriarchially socially enforced phenomena. The truth is that polygynous societies are inherently less stable. While it may have worked when we were hunter-gatherers, once we coalesced into large societies, polygyny tends to result in an accumulation of frustrated and unpaired young men at the margins. Eventually enough of them pick up weapons and exert their will by force. This is why Muslim societie…

The Woman Question 6: Being Alone

One of the best essays I’ve read on the mechanism and necessity of sexual restraint that I’ve ever seen. If you want to lose your agency, especially to the opposite sex, let your sex drive dictate how you act.

If you wish to enjoy life and as well as make monumental achievement then you can embody a simple philosophy for every single day:

If you’re going to play then play. Do nothing else.

If you’re going to work then work. Nothing else.

Do both of these things without distraction.

If you mix the two then you get nothing out of either state. Not adhering to this insidiously ruins many lives.

You should have kids! Or not!

substack algorithm please never show me anything like this again

I'm 38. If You're in Your 20's or 30's, Read This.
Meme Autism and the Sin of Pride (in Girls)
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I don't think vitalists are this victim-centered in their opposition to grooming gangs. It's not about "helping poor people with no particular skills", it's about protecting orderly society, which, in their view, requires purging these kinds of people. Third-world countries don't have much of an orderly society in the first place, so there's nothing worth defending.

I signed up for a month with a trainer bc I need a kick in the ass for some motivation. She asked me five separate times during our session if it was okay for her to touch me (in the most innocuous manner, like on my shoulder) and it made me want to kill myself. I'm sure it’s her gym's policy and she's just following the rules, but I found it completely demoralizing.

I've used four different trainers now and then over the past decade… half men and half women…and no one has ever asked this. Hell…