I think what really irks many progressives, especially those outside the US, is that America faced no real 'consequences' as a result of the Iraq war. Just a bunch of perfunctory disclaimers and Op-eds admitting how 'wrong' it was post-fact. But no real, negative, ramifications for either the country, the hostile media, the foreign-policy elite or even the government. No sanctions, no international isolation, not even a thousand extra body-bags courtesy of a foreign power supplying Saddam with …
What Jake Vogel said.
This piece is particularly Eurocentric, despite being about Korean cultural successes in the US of A. Cultures don't succeed only when they arrive on Netflix.
Historically, many cultural traditions have spread beyond their borders (whatever that means) without a gun coming along for the ride. Persianate culture is a good example (see https://aeon.co/essays/when-persian-belonging-was-a-generous-cosmopolitan-belonging for a recent account) - the Mughals, the Timurids and oth…