Tried-and-true advice earns its name for a reason—because it’s the foundation of what truly matters

Listen To The "Tired Take"
Don't Worry, You'll be Fine

the difficult part of trying to detach from social media and the algorithmic slop fed to us on our phones everyday is that despite the recent rising anti-internet sentiment, we’re still in the minority. the rest of the world, majority of people, simply aren’t making that effort.

the systems put in place in modern society make it difficul…

been thinking about how an over-reliance on texting & online communication has decreased our ability to articulate genuine, vulnerable, intricate thoughts with speed and effectiveness

I’ve seen people workout at 4am before working two jobs.

I’ve known introverts who became great communicators when an important relationship needed it.

I’ve seen people who weren’t “ready” suddenly commit to the right person.

People give effort to what’s important to them.

What’s important to you?

starting to believe that framing goals as quests significantly increases your chance of success

the profound wisdom of the natural world

pondering this heavily

Make your phone boring. Make it annoying. Make it uninteresting on purpose.

Put on a wallpaper you hate, turn grayscale on, delete social media and streaming apps, and remove pictures from your contact names.

These devices were designed to dominate your attention, but you can strip away their power by making them irritating to engage with.

Try it and see what happens.

This smacked me right in the face