So lovely to talk with the brilliant about boys and modern boyhood
January’s zoom Boymom/ I Blame Society masculinity discussion group is today (i need a better name for this…) is today at 10amPT/ 1pm ET/ 6pm UK. We will be talking about the new Presidency/ men’s turn to the right, and also-if we get to it- the gender essentializing of boys that I wrote about a couple of weeks ago. It’s a great, non …
This is really interesting- the class aspect is such an important and overlooked point in the discussion of men/ male privilege etc.
I often get asked for recommendations for children’s books that really think critically about masculinity norms and feature boys that break out of traditional stereotypes. there are some but they are few and far between. Then recently , author of the bestselling sensation “Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls” got in touch with me. With…
So much fascinating stuff in here about how we came to the idea of the Good Mother and the misogynistic and suspect social science that underpinned it all. Everyone should read ’s The Good Mother Myth- out TODAY!!
’s work on boys is such an important companion to #DisciplesofWhiteJesus (and very important to me personally as a fellow mom of boys!)
I have a new post up about how it is now way more acceptable to talk in essentializing and limiting ways about boys than girls- and the problems with this, particularly when it comes to boys and education.
So thrilled to read this incredibly generous review of Boymom by the brilliant